If you’re someone who loves to give gifts but are stumped about what to get an introvert, or you’re just here out of curiosity, here are 10 gift ideas for introverted HSP empaths in your life (written by an introverted HSP empath).


This is by no means an extensive list, and keep in mind that your introverted HSP empath is going to be unique in their likes and preferences. Needless to say we’re all very different and what one likes another may not.


With that in mind, here are just 10 gift ideas for introverted HSP empaths.



1) Books (the tangible kind)


So yes, this first one is a bit obvious and possibly stereotypical; picture the introvert sitting in her comfortable armchair with a cup of tea, reading a good book amongst a pile of good ‘to-be-read’ books (possibly with some house plants for good measure). This image for a lot of us isn’t far from the truth.


A big armchair with a good book, a cup of herbal tea and a cat on my lap is one part of an ideal day for me as an introvert and quiet homebody.


If there’s a particular book that your introvert HSP empath has been looking for, or you know they want, this is a safe bet for a gift.


Introverts and books go together like bees and daisies or salt and vinegar or rosemary and thyme; it just works.



2) Book Voucher


If you’re not sure whether your introvert has a particular book or you’re unsure as to what they might like and you don’t want to be obvious about it and ask, your next best bet is a book voucher.


Oh the freedom of a book voucher!



3) Alone Time


When people think of gifts, they often think of tangible things (myself included). But gifts can also be intangible.


If your introvert HSP empath is doing the minimalism thing or isn’t really into tangible gifts or ‘things’, then giving them the gift of alone time will be very well-received.


Why not show your introvert HSP empath that you really care about them by giving them the gift of a book AND some alone time? You could just become their favourite person (if you’re not already).



4) Nature Experience


Another non-tangible gift that would be ideal for the introverted HSP empath in your life, is a nature experience. This is going to be unique to the individual as to what’s appropriate, but generally speaking, anything in nature is going to be soothing to the soul of the HSP empath.


Whether it’s a solo adventure or a trip away with their favourite people or person, an introvert will likely really appreciate spending quality time in nature.


This could be a day at the beach, a holiday away in a beautiful natural location, a long relaxing walk in the forest, whatever they’re into, get creative with it and treat them to the gift of a nature experience.



A pine tree forest with a path down the middle and blue sky with some clouds visible.



5) Weighted or Comfy Blanket


Back to tangible gifts now; nothing quite says to your introverted HSP empath “I care about your welfare and cosiness levels” than a weighted or comfy blanket.


If your introvert HSP empath is spending their alone time on a cosy armchair with a good book (and possibly a cat and cup of herbal tea), it isn’t really complete without a comfy or weighted blanket, especially in the colder months of winter.



6) Notebooks or Creative Supplies


I feel like a lot of introverts out there have creative leanings and many process the world and events through journaling. This is where the gift idea of notebooks and creative supplies comes in.


Hopefully you know your introvert well enough (nobody really knows an introvert fully let’s be real) to know what kind of notebooks they like if they’re into writing and journaling things out i.e. what size, binding type, lined or unlined, bullet, and what kind of creative supplies they might like – are they a painter, knitter, sewist, graphic designer, woodworker, embroiderer, glass blower or metalworker?


Think about what kind of creative your introvert is and gift accordingly.



7) Noise Cancelling Headphones or Earplugs


This is a particularly good gift for HSP empaths who are prone to experiencing sensory overload or are easily overwhelmed by sound (if they don’t have them already).


Like sunglasses to take the glare off overstimulated eyes, noise-cancelling ear plugs or headphones take the edge off overstimulated ears.


I need to get me some of these for when I’m out in public. Unfortunately they don’t have smell-cancelling nose plugs yet. There’s a definite market for that.



8) Interesting Teas (or their beverage of choice)


Another potentially stereotypical gift idea for your introverted HSP empath if they’re a tea drinker like myself, is an interesting assortment of teas or whatever beverage they like (coffee, whisky and other alcohols, etc.).


We need something to drink when we read. It just goes with the territory.



9) An Online Course


I’ve not yet met an introvert who isn’t insanely curious about at least a couple of different topics. A perfect gift idea for the introvert who loves to learn and dive deeply into a topic is an online course. They can learn from the comfort of their own space about something they’re passionate about.


However, this does require you to know what they might like to learn, what their educational inclinations are, and where to find the course in question. You could ask them if there’s any courses they’ve had their eye on that they want to do and not be so secretive/surprising with your gift just to be on the safe side. If they’ve mentioned a course they want to do about a certain topic then that’s a good place to start.


You also need to know where to look for courses online and make sure they’re run by a reputable person or company. If it’s a free course then there’s really no risk in it.


With this gift, there is some research involved and logistics to think about, and only if your introvert HSP empath likes learning and online courses.


If they’re up for it, then an in person class would also be ideal.



10) A Staycation


Similar to alone time and a nature experience, if your introverted HSP empath is anything like me, and they get a little stressed about the prospect of traveling on a vacation, then a staycation is perfect.


This is when you treat staying at home and in your part of the world like a vacation; the same rules apply, but you’re home in your safe space.


There’s no need to handle obligations, answer the door, or the phone; you’re on vacation, just at home.


Sounds like the perfect holiday to me.



Final Thoughts


As I said earlier, every introvert is going to be different and inclined in different ways. It’s up to you to know your introvert HSP empath, what they like, what they don’t, whether they’re into tangible things or prefer experiences, and who they are.


For me, anything meaningful that shows me that the person knows me and has at least paid some attention to what I’m interested in or what I might like is the perfect gift. I like tangible things, but I also like experiences.


This is just a small sample of gift ideas for the introverted HSP empaths in your life. Do you have any to add? If you’re an introverted HSP empath, what gifts do you like to give and receive?


Let me know in the comments below or email me at [email protected].


Much love from me,

"Melissa x" text signature in dusty rose pink.



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