Summer In South Australia

Summer In South Australia

  The other week with summer in full swing I got an email from a neighbour that started with something like, “Hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather.” I was going to write back something like, “Oh my heck I f*ckin’ hate it,” but decided not to.   I’m...
Introducing Pangolins: The Wise Ones

Introducing Pangolins: The Wise Ones

  A couple of years ago, I didn’t know what a pangolin was. Since then, they’ve become one of my favourite animals (although I’ve never seen or been in the physical presence of one), and were an Animal of Interest, as I call all my animal-related neurodivergent...
What Lights You Up?

What Lights You Up?

  Part of recognising and living your life purpose often involves asking yourself the question, “What lights me up?”   I first heard Rebecca Campbell introduce this concept and question in one of her videos, and have heard it from various other...
OCD & Me: A Personal Teaching Story

OCD & Me: A Personal Teaching Story

  When someone mentions OCD to you, you might have images in your mind of obsessive hand-washing to the point of flaky skin, or someone being extremely organised and lining things up. These can definitely be the case for some people with OCD, but for me and...
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