What Lights You Up?

What Lights You Up?

  Part of recognising and living your life purpose often involves asking yourself the question, “What lights me up?”   I first heard Rebecca Campbell introduce this concept and question in one of her videos, and have heard it from various other...
OCD & Me: A Personal Teaching Story

OCD & Me: A Personal Teaching Story

  When someone mentions OCD to you, you might have images in your mind of obsessive hand-washing to the point of flaky skin, or someone being extremely organised and lining things up. These can definitely be the case for some people with OCD, but for me and...
How To Keep Your Senior Cats Cool In Summer

How To Keep Your Senior Cats Cool In Summer

  Our senior cat Miss Soph probably likes the summer heat even less than I do. In our household, one way to know that it’s definitely heating up in summer is when Sophie opts not to sit on a lap, and instead sits next to us, or sleeps at the end of the bed rather...
Book Review! ‘Higher Purpose’ By Robert Holden, PhD

Book Review! ‘Higher Purpose’ By Robert Holden, PhD

  For Christmas my sister gave me two amazing gifts – one was a tea leaf strainer in the form of a green Loch Ness monster (called “Baby Nessie”) and the other was Robert Holden’s new book, Higher Purpose.   Disclaimer! No copyright infringement is intended....
Veganuary: For The Love Of Animals

Veganuary: For The Love Of Animals

  Before we begin, a content warning: This blog post contains potentially upsetting discussion of the treatment of animals, and mental health issues that may be troubling to some.     Happy Veganuary!   If there was ever a month to try out veganism...
Happy New Year! Welcome To The Quiet & Curious 2023

Happy New Year! Welcome To The Quiet & Curious 2023

  So here we are in 2023! Welcome back to The Quiet and Curious for another year. Thanks for sticking with me so far, and if you’re new here, welcome!   In this post I’ll fill you in on what I’ve been up to in the last month, ramble a bit, and let you in on...
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