With the seasonal change upon us, I thought it was time I sought the fairies’ advice on what the next few months will bring, and how we can work with that to make the most of the coming season. I’ll refer to the June-August time frame I’m asking the fairies about as winter because I live in the Southern Hemisphere. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, then you can just mentally change wherever I’ve written winter to summer. This reading can apply to you no matter where you are in the world and what season you’re experiencing in June, July and August.


A disclaimer before we begin! No copyright infringement is intended in this blog post. All credit goes to the creators of the oracle card decks I’m using (mentioned below). See my disclaimer page for more information or contact me at [email protected].


For this reading, I’ll draw three cards from Karen Kay’s ‘Oracle of the Fairies’ deck (for more information check out Karen Kay’s website, and the artist Ginger Kelly’s website) and discuss these individually drawing on what she details in the accompanying guidebook. I’ll then bring them together to give an overall flavour of the season. Finally, I’ll draw just one card from Robert Reeves’ ‘Flower Therapy Oracle Cards’ (for more information check out Robert Reeves’ website) and discuss the card in relation to the fairy messages.


Here’s what the fairies have to say about this coming winter.








Card number one is Hope. There’s a beautiful fairy holding a rose in her left hand while looking upwards to a peace dove in the sky that’s filled with a rainbow.


The card says, “Hope is always there, even if we can’t see it. Optimistic expectations can help change a negative situation into a positive one.”




Look in a Book




Card number two is Look in a Book, and I’m sure I’m not the only one that certainly doesn’t need to be told twice! The card features a fairy sitting on a mushroom surrounded by greenery and more fairy mushrooms, happily reading an open book.


The card says, “Whatever your question right now, you’ll find the answer in a book. The words you find will bring the insight you seek.”


The fairies advise us to look around, pick up the first book we see and ask them to guide us to the page that would provide the answer to the question(s) we have. It’s suggested we do this by opening to a random page, and with our eyes closed let our finger come down somewhere on the page to the words we need to read.


As well as this, now is the nudge you’ve been waiting for to read any books you’ve been wanting to read for a while and haven’t got around to.


Now is the time to read, people!







The final card is Manifestation, where we see a fairy dressed in gold who seems to be conjuring up a stem of beautiful golden roses with her wand, holding a golden rose in her right hand. There’s also a golden pear behind her, and a golden apple, coins and what look to me like writing implements on a table next to her.


The card says, “Be very honest and clear about what you wish to manifest in your life. Now write it down on paper: manifestation, step one!”



Bringing it all together




It seems this combination is telling a story, and the way the fairies are guiding me to read this is one month at a time for the duration of winter.


In June we have Hope making an appearance and guiding us towards having a more optimistic outlook to take into the season.


For those of you who find winter difficult, this is a sign to have hope during this season, no matter what you may be going through or how difficult this winter or others have been in the past.


An optimistic attitude is especially helpful so we can start this season with the right mindset in the very first month of winter.


In July we’re being guided to hit the books and look for the answers we seek in any sort of book. By mid-winter, which we have gone into with a sense of optimism, we’re being asked to learn, to delve into books, or to read widely.


Yes, this is your green light to read, fellow book enthusiasts!


Another thought that came to mind for me personally is to delve into my own journals (that I’ve kept since 2009). There may be nuggets of wisdom in there from my past self that my present self could use to become the best future self I can be. If anyone is a diary keeper or journal-er, maybe you could try this as well.


Then in August it’s time to take that knowledge we gained from our hopeful outlook that guided us to look in books and gather wisdom from them, and to get really clear about what we want in different life areas.


By August we may need to be honest about what we want, write it down explicitly to give us focus and clarity, and then work and collaborate with the fairies to bring that into our individual lives.


As winter winds up, it’s important to take action on what you’ve meditated on and/or written down, and think of it not as a set-in-stone-this-is-what-I-must-manifest event, but as a continual process of co-creation with the fairies or universe or whatever higher working you believe in.




A final word from the Banksia: New Beginnings




To tie all this together is the Flower Therapy Oracle Card, the Banksia, which is about New Beginnings.


Banksia says, “Take this opportunity to rise from the ashes stronger and more determined.”


Additional meanings of this card emphasise picking ourselves up and starting anew. As quoted in the guidebook, “You’re strong enough to move through this,” whatever “this” is for you. Whatever comes to mind as you read this is what this card refers to.


Banksias in Australia are really interesting: In order for a banksia to flourish, it has to have been under immense heat and pressure to allow seed pods to open, and it is this that allows it to grow anew.


“Everything ahead is smoother, more comforting and safe,” says the Banksia, and that’s a beautiful way to wrap up this reading and head into winter optimistic, making time to read and learn, and to get clarity to manifest the lives we desire, while knowing that this is a new beginning whether we’re in winter or summer.



Question Time!



What were your thoughts as you read this?


Did anything particularly resonate with you?


Are there any additional insights that would be useful for me and other readers to know?


If you’re reading this from after June-August 2022, how did these messages from the fairies play out for you?



I’d love to know your quiet thoughts, so  feel free to leave them in the comments below, or reach out to me at [email protected].


Much love,

"Melissa x" text signature in dusty rose pink.



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